Why Choose Us?

RoundRock Realty is truly a one of a kind Realty company

Why Choose Us

Have the flexibility to customize our purchase of someones home to meet their personal needs

Free Leasebacks

We allow home owners to stay in the home for free after we have closed for a short period of time. This gives you the chance to have money in hand to pay for a new place (or a deposit). This also can prevent someone having to move twice, skip the temporary place while they wait to get money (because they already have it with us). We are one of the few realty companies that offer free leasebacks,  Choose Round RockRealty today!


No Option periods

You are not at risk for us backing out once the contract has been signed. It is not uncommon for a buyer to have something come up where they back out of a deal during the option period. We close when we say we will & pay what we said we would. Other investors may offer a higher price up front, then right before closing drop the offer because they never were really going to pay that amount.

What Sets Us Apart


Property Can be Vacant or Occupied


No Appraisals or Inspections Needed


No Realtor Commissions


We Buy As Is, No Repairs or Clean Up Needed


We Pay Cash, can close in as little as 5 days

Get Started Today

Looking to sell your home? Get a quote today!